Tonelli S.p.A. will be closed on the 25th March

Tonelli Arengo

On the 25th March, during Anniversary of the 1906 Arengo and commemoration of the Militia, San Marino national holiday, Tonelli S.p.A. will be closed.
Send us an email or call to arrange another date for your shipments.

Following the dispositions issued by health care professionals and by the Civil Protection, concerning the present emergency of the Coronavirus 19nCoV infection in Italy and San Marino, we have decided to take a series of measures in order to follow the safety directions prescribed from the Government and Health Care Authorities and the behaviour rules recommended to prevent this infection.

Therefore, all carriers with access to Tonelli Spa factory and offices MUST NECESSARILY wear a protective mask and latex gloves (which they need to be equipped of) during the whole stay in our site and in the whole area.

In the absence of this precaution, the vehicle won’t be neither loaded or unloaded and it will be driven away.
We kindly ask to carriers, then, to stay near their vehicle in order to ease unloading and loading operations as quickly as possible.
Under no circumstances, carriers can get in touch with Tonelli Spa staff without the appropriate protections.

Shipments Dept.
Tel. +378. 0549.94.05.11
Fax +378. 0549.94.05.33


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